Full source code for the game "Wrong" - using Marmalade Quick (Lua + Cocos2d-x + Marmalade SDK)

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Weaponised Reverse pONG. Battle yourself. In reverse. With guns. WRONG!

This is an open source game written by Nick Smith using Marmalade Quick. Please do learn from and reuse code. It's MIT licensed, so you can use it for whatever you want, but please don't just clone the game. There's no real value in that anyway! Please give some credit if you use code and also submit pull requests if you use and improve any of the 'helpers' code.

The game was written and polished on-and-off over a fairly large period of time, so the naming style does change in various places. This isn't intended as a guide on how to write either beautiful or technically brilliant code, but hopefully it does give a great view into using the Lua language and Quick APIs in a real world game.

Current public game builds

You can download and play the game for free here:

More platforms and stores on the way!

Related tutorial code

Check out http://nickchops.github.io/wrong-prototype/ This is a set of blog posts and a related git repo covering building an original prototype version of the game. That gives a nice hands-on step by step intro to both Lua and Quick.

Note that you should get the latest version of Marmalade (it has a free to use license) and that, unlike what the blog might state, Quick is now supported on all platform's Marmalade supports.

The Game

A bit like a certain vintage arcade game. But in reverse. Against yourself. With guns... WRONG!

Retro arcade fun for one or two players! State of the art 1970s vector graphics!

Twitchy multitouch gameplay with endless waves, head hurting visuals, multiple modes, high scores and achievements. Fits all screen sizes but most fun on a tablet or big-assed phone.

This game is free. As in free speech or free beer. No in app payments. No adverts. It's just for fun.

If you're a coder, this game was originally built as a demo for the Marmalade Quick engine. Development info and source code can be found via the "hack me" menu.